Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Destructive Nature Of Atheism

 In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:
"Those before them (also) rejected Revelation, 
And so the punishment came to them from directions
They did not perceive."
(Quran: 39 : 25)

Ignorant societies reject revelation but create and nourish a dearth of conflicting philosophies in the name of tolerance. Most of these philosophies are not only useless, but deliberately destructive in their objectives. Take, for instance, the philosophy of "Atheism": the claim that there is no God. While pandering to the ego of its practitioners, it unleashes on the rest of society the most unsavory characteristics of Human degradation and negates the basis of Life itself; worship of the Creator of the Universes and all lifeforms and gratitude to Him for His Beneficence. It instills in its supporters the crudest form of ingratitude and irresponsibility to God and Man and allows them to unconscionably violate every social edict for their own benefit.

"Atheists" have no basis on which to build their lives. Without the acceptance of the idea of a Creator of the environment, they constantly misunderstand the concept and purpose of life and humanity's relationship to the rest of Creation. Without a concept of responsibility and gratitude towards an Omnipotent Master of the Creation or respect for His Revelations, they degrade the very environment and resources which humanity needs to survive. Without a deep-rooted understanding of the inter-connection and interdependence of all life in the Universe, they create blindly destructive and deeply conflicted social systems. Using arbitrary values such as race, skin color,material wealth, etc., they discriminate against and classify other humans into haphazard classes. With blind bravado, they unceasingly challenge the very forces that make life possible here on planet Earth, thereby creating a life of conflict in an otherwise welcoming environment.

Put in proper perspective against the backdrop of the Universal environment, the very concept of "atheism" is ridiculous beyond belief. Notwithstanding the obvious miracle of human existence in the first place, only a fool (no matter how "educated") would ignore the intelligent planning that matches humans with Earth's nurturing environment. Our very existence here on Earth, given the myriad of inhospitable universes that we now know surround us, is way beyond the computations of mere Chance, despite what die-hard atheists would have us believe. Today's atheists may be unaware that they base their philosophy and entire lifestyle on a speculative treatise by Charles Darwin, an English geologist from the 1800s. He only lived 73 years in the Universe, but had the audacity to propose theories of the origin of all life-forms on Earth. His theories were adopted by the so-called "scientific" elite of his time and became the bedrock of atheistic philosophy. Given the speculative nature of "higher education" and the irrational teachings of the Christian Church in his time, it is not difficult to understand the atheistic embrace of his theories in Europe.

The modern atheistic movement was itself a knee-jerk reaction to the violent, irrational dogma and stranglehold of the Christian Church in Europe. As is so common in ignorant societies, it began as a "fashionable" concept among the "elite educated" and, over time, trickled down to the "uneducated" masses as a "scientific" philosophy. Atheism became a badge of honor for "educated" Europeans because it was based on "scientific" research as opposed to "religious" dogma of the Church. Nobody paid any attention to the glaring inconsistencies in the new philosophy nor the untenable assumptions made by it. As long as it opposed accepted Church dogma with "scientific" terminology, proof was inconsequential. Atheism thrives on "obfuscation"; diverting attention from proven fact. It's signal triumph was convincing society to accept inconceivable aspects of time, such as assigning events to billions and millions of years before they could happen. This allowed the advancement and acceptance of irrational postulations, surpassing those of the Church! These speculative assumptions slowly crept into Western education and increasingly became established as "scientific" facts, leading to the befuddled mess we accept as education today.

Bolstered by its success with the masses, atheistic thinkers continuously seek definitive methods for crushing the stranglehold of the Church over Western society. Atheism was promoted as a triumphant signal of freedom from the domination of irrational Church Dogma. The battle is no longer surreptitious, but openly engaged. In America, atheism gained a significant legal foothold in the educational system in 1968 and has been furiously gaining ground ever since. No public school in America is beyond its influence. Americans are largely unaware of how deeply this philosophy has pervaded the social and educational fabric of the society. As recently as 2005, the theory of evolution, the flagship of atheism, won another legal victory over the Christian educational concept of Intelligent Design, a Bible-derived construct, placing atheistic philosophy on equal footing with all of America's Christian philosophies.

Atheism is a force created by the deviations of the Church and it is fed by its lust to destroy its creators. As long as its Christian detractors confront it with their adulterated reinterpretations of the Bible and continue to lie about revelation, they will lose the entire war. Atheistic philosophy has so deeply infiltrated America's educational system that children are being stripped of their relationship ties with their own family members. Kids killing their parents is now commonplace. Kids are being effectively deprived of any sense of purpose or future, resulting in increased suicides and killings among children. Without a relationship with God, humanity has no reason to exist; no purpose for seeking excellence. America's continuing social decline is proof of the destructive effect of atheistic philosophy and its derivatives. With its Christian philosophy proving useless, Islam is its only hope because atheism cannot obfuscate the clear message of the Quran:
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:
"Allah! There is no god but He - the Living, Self-subsisting, Eternal.
It is He who sent down to thee (step by step) in Truth, the Book,
Confirming what went before it;
And He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus)
Before this, as a guide to mankind.
And He sent down the Criterion (of judgement between right and wrong).
Then those who reject Faith in the Signs of Allah will suffer the Severest Penalty;
And Allah is Exalted in Might, Lord of Retribution."
(Quran: 3: 2-4)

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