Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Contradictions of Life

No Resolution Without Allah

Human life is full of obvious contradictions. History has proven that the only sureties in human life are decay and death. Immediately following our birth, we all begin a slow process of decay that culminates in our demise. Despite this obvious pattern of life, we turn a blind eye to the process and engage in building material cocoons in attempts to prolong our physical lives and defeat death. Our medical establishments dedicate themselves to seeking ways and means of cheating death and preserving our physical bodies. Our technological industries create gadget after gadget in search of the “next big thing” to resolve our problems. “Science” has been “close” to finding answers to our social problems for centuries.  Yet invisible forces relentlessly continue to ravage our bodies from the inside out in incomprehensible ways, destroying every vestige of power we think we possess. Even our acknowledged “wisest” philosophers succumb to these forces and have no defense against their relentless assault. 

Throughout the history of human existence on Earth, we have recorded the rise and fall of human civilizations. All of them battled and failed to overcome the mysterious forces that relentlessly lead us into reluctant decomposition over the length of our existence. Wealthy nations fared as dismally as poor nations. Yet, despite all these records, human beings, as a species, continue to instinctively crave material possessions and this earthly life with all its contradictory promises. Impressive “intellectuals” and “philosophers” have spouted “their” resolutions to humanity’s problems for centuries to no avail. Esoteric philosophies have fared no better than “radical” ones in attempts to create “Paradise” on Earth. Yet human society continues to promote and grasp at shallow, ignorant, intellectual trends, each making unattainable promises. We stubbornly and contemptuously reject the obvious solution to our dilemma because it is too simple and “unscientific” for our taste. It clashes with our inflated opinions of human “independence” and “autonomy”.

The futile “war “on aging is noteworthy comment on the folly of human society. Humanity has chosen to accept illusion over reality. Millions of dollars are thrown away daily in pursuit of the fountain of youth to halt the march of time by people who know the effort is futile.  Man’s inhumanity to Man is a continuing testament to ignorance. Wars of domination and aggression are becoming increasingly more destructive to our living environment as individuals try to impose their dominance over others for greater personal material gain. Corporations have now replaced governments in the quest for dominance, overtly destroying the remaining semblance of human consideration for financial gains. Our very global environment is now in blatant jeopardy of destruction by those who seek to fashion it into their earthly paradise.

Allah, out of His boundless Mercy, has voluntarily shown us the way to live in this earth environment. He has told us through His Revelations and prophets, if we want to listen, the realities of this stage of Life. Man’s prolonged search for a workable philosophy to produce peace and happiness on this earth is futile unless it embraces wholeheartedly the instructions of Allah. Man, with all his ignorance and arrogance, cannot devise such a philosophy without the input of the Creator. We do not have adequate information to independently create this philosophy. We cannot control the invisible forces that exist and influence the universal environment.  To benefit from and in this stage of life, we must accept the Creator’s educational information.  Human society has continuously rejected Revelation and the prophets of Allah out of pure arrogance and human history is littered with the unsavory results. It is time for us to quit the fallacy of thinking we don’t need Allah’s guidance in our lives and societies. As a noted individual once cautioned: "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Isn’t it about time that thinking men and women everywhere abandon the conjecture of Man and return to the guidance of Allah?
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