Sunday, August 31, 2014

Are You Ready For Judgment Day?

Contrary to popular belief, Judgment Day has not been cancelled! It is a pre-determined event still to come in our future, no matter how long we live. We have been warned of this event, so there is no excuse for not being prepared when it comes to pass. There are no free passes into Paradise and no escape routes out of Hell except by the Mercy of Allah, the Creator. Judgment Day will be an intense examination of our individual lives and the deeds that we have done. On that Day, regardless of how many groups we have joined, the rank we have achieved and the regard in which others hold us, we shall individually have to stand before our Creator and answer only for our deeds in this life. We shall be unable to help anyone, and no one will be able to help us. The only merits we will be able to claim shall be those we have earned by our good deeds in this current life.  The good deeds of others, unless influenced by us, are not ours to claim and lying will not be an option. We shall be appearing before the Most Knowledgeable and Just Judge of all: our Creator. There will be no lawyers; ignorance will not be an excuse, and there will be no postponements or do-overs. This examination is for a total, final grade: Paradise or Hell. And you will have to experience it on your own; with no helpers.

The Quran warns: “Hearken ye to your Lord, before there come a Day

 Which there will be no putting back because of the ordainment of Allah.

That Day there will be for you No place of refuge,

Nor will there be for you any room for denial of your sins.”
(Quran: 42: 47)

So important to human life is The Day of Judgment, that the Quran devotes every chapter of its teachings to this topic. It warns humanity to live this current Life ever mindful of the upcoming “meeting with your Lord” and to “fear the Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones – which is prepared for those who reject Faith.” Allah, in His message (The Quran), calls Judgment Day  the “Day of Sorting out” when the Evil and the Good will be clearly separated and sent their respective ways.  He also explains that, for some of us, Judgment Day will be a Day of Great Happiness and for others (Evil doers and disbelievers), a Day of surprise, humiliation and “a stunning punishment”. He promises believers and righteous folk “gardens in nearness to their Lord, with rivers flowing beneath”, whereas unbelievers and evil-doers are promised Hell and the “agony of the Fire”. In His message (the Quran), Allah makes it absolutely clear that the results of Judgment Day are indisputably in our hands right now. What you do with your current life will definitely influence what you get on Judgment Day.

In The Quran, Allah reveals the question that every one of us should constantly ask ourselves:
                “But how will they fare when We gather them together

                Against a Day about which there is no doubt,

                And each soul will be paid out just what it has earned,

                Without favor or injustice?” (Quran 3: 25)
He also further clarifies the situation of the individual sole on Judgment Day so that there can be no mistake as to what will be the issue being judged.
                “On the Day when every soul will be confronted

                With all the Good it has done and all the Evil it has done,

                It will wish there were a great distance between it and its evil.

                But Allah cautions you to remember Himself,

                And Allah is full of kindness to those that serve Him.”
                (Quran 3: 30)

You will be judged as an individual
Many of us, today, have been misled into believing that Judgment Day is going to be a trivial event and does not apply to us. Despite the clear evidence of Death being an individualized matter continuously happening every day, some of us continue to hold to the belief that Judgment is waived for us because of someone else’s “sacrifice”. We continue to live as if we will be on this earth forever or can prevent our deaths. We continue to live careless lives; unwilling to make relevant changes to our behaviors now. Most of us live unmindful of the upcoming Judgment of our individual lives and how we appear to Our Creator daily. Most of us do not consider how our actions stack up in the sight of our Lord or their influence on others. Every one of us affects others, knowingly or unknowingly. Allah has sent the Quran to make us conscious of our actions and their consequences, now and in the future.  In His message (the Quran), Allah cautions us:
                “Lost indeed are they who treat it as a falsehood

                That they must meet Allah –

                Until, on a sudden, the Hour is on them,

                And they say ‘Ah! Woe unto us that we took

                No thought of it;’

                For they bear their burdens on their backs,

                And evil indeed are the burdens that they bear.”
                (Quran 6: 31)
The results are up to us. How does your life stack up for Judgment?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful :

“Alif Lam Mim.

This is the Book;

In it is Sure Guidance, without doubt,

To those who fear Allah;

Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer,

And spend out of what We have provided for them.

And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee (Muhammad)

And sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have assurance of the Hereafter.

They are on True Guidance from their Lord,

And it is these who will prosper.

(Quran 2: 1-5)


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Belief and the signs of Allah

The Quran exhorts all believers to become “men of understanding” and contemplate on the signs of Allah in the environment. It encourages all people to adore the Creator of the “heavens and Earth” so that we can become “righteous” and “God-conscious”.
                “O ye people, adore your Guardian Lord
                Who created you and those before you,
                That ye may become righteous.
                (He) Who has made the Earth your couch
                And the Heavens your canopy;
                And sent down rain from the heavens
                And brought forth therewith Fruits for your sustenance.
                Then set not up rivals unto Allah
                When you know the truth.”
                (Quran: 2:21-21)
The Quran does not mince words when it gives us advice. It not only tells us what to do, but it also tells us why. We all agree that the same Creator Who created us also made the Earth environment in which we live. We all agree that He also created the weather systems which rule this planet, and that the foliage and food on this planet are also part of this grand, homogenous design. Then why are we divided about the worship of this most Gracious Being? Why are we in disarray when it comes to the worship and adoration of the Creator? Allah says to us, through His Quran, that we must worship Him if we wish to be “righteous (do things right)”.   Can it be that we are misreading the signs of Allah that surround us daily? 

In the Quran, Allah points out that this message is sent to all people, but only those with understanding will accept it. He also points out that He has surrounded us with His signs for us to convince ourselves of His abilities, if we will only think.
                “Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth;
                In the alternation of the Night and the Day;
                In the sailing of the ships through the Ocean,
                For the profit of mankind;
                In the rain which Allah sends down from the skies,
                And the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead;
                In the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth;
                In the change of the winds and the clouds which they trail like slaves
                Between the sky and the earth-
                Here indeed are signs for a people that are wise.
                Yet there are men who take for worship
                Others besides Allah, as equal with Allah;
                (Quran: 2:164 - 165)

the signs of Allah parade before us daily

The sheer stupidity of those who do not seriously contemplate the signs of Allah in our environment is astounding! To further give credit to others for what is clearly Allah’s handiwork is incredulous indeed. Yet, we continue today, as preceding generations have done, vociferously touting misleading “religious” propaganda of one sort or another, oblivious of the consequences to ourselves and other creatures around us. Meanwhile, the signs of Allah continually parade before our eyes daily, begging us to contemplate on the evidence before us. 

misconception of the sun

Almost every “religious” philosophy preaches a concept of Hell and its fiery environment.  Yet, most of us cannot envision such an environment with any certainty. Allah has, since time immemorial, put such an environment on daily display for our information: the sun! Humans have developed a tremendous array of misconceptions about this sign of Allah, none of them showing understanding of the fact that Allah can create and maintain such a ferocious environment.  Although we now live in an earth environment which reflects the effects of the sun’s power from a mind-bending distance, what is there to stop Allah from making your future environment the sun itself?

the real deal

Allah, in His Quran, has promised luxurious gardens to those who follow His instructions. Again we act as though this is an impossible promise. Distracted by our daily struggles for physical sustenance, we turn blind eyes to Allah’s displays of luscious greenery and gorgeous landscapes throughout the earth. We secretly envy the “owners” of such places but we do not in our hearts believe that one day, promised in our not-too-distant future, every believer will be awarded such a gift by Allah.

For brevity’s sake, we will not discuss, in this treatise, all the signs of Allah around us. Suffice it to say that taking the time to contemplate on the myriad of signs can awaken in any soul a true awareness of the power of the Creator. It is the means by which “God-consciousness” is maintained and the basis for righteousness. You cannot continue to behave irresponsibly when you are acutely aware of the presence of Allah all around you and of your inevitable meeting with Him to account for your behavior in Life.  ***********************************************************************************
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