Saturday, January 3, 2015


In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:
“To thee We sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came
Before it, and guarding it in safety;
So judge between them by what Allah has revealed,
And follow not their vain Desires, diverging from the Truth that has come to you.
To each among you have We prescribed a Law and an Open Way…”
(Quran 5: 48)

Believing people need to be aware of an extremely subtle, but highly effective, process of misdirection that has been injected into their mental attitude towards the scriptures and the laws of Allah.  Over time, the “scriptures” of every denomination have been surreptitiously misdirected from outward manifestation in community development to inward development of “personal” characteristics.  Amongst the methods which have been used to perpetrate this crime is the retention of ancient, misleading terms in modern language by “religious” scholars; particularly the terms “hereafter” and “spiritual”.

A quick check of modern definitions for these terms produces a variety of misinformation. “Spiritual” is defined asof, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.” It is also interchangeable with terms such as: “non-material, incorporeal, intangible; inner, mental, psychological; transcendent, ethereal, otherworldly, mystic, mystical, metaphysical.”  It may surprise you to know that this word is a Middle English term originating in CE1800 and imported unchanged into today’s idiom. It’s derived from the Latin word “spiritus”. Similarly, you will find that “hereafter” is another English corruption preceding CE900, with the current definition "a future world, the world to come" adopted in 1702. The English language, as is readily known, has always been privy to misinterpretation and misleading information throughout its existence. With its adoption as the communication standard for the entire Western world and its tributaries, the assault on revelation by the enemies of Allah was greatly facilitated. 

By surreptitiously injecting these ancient, misleading views into the “religious” beliefs of every people with which they interact, including their own people, the enemies of Allah entrenched their position in society. Zealous “educators” and “clerics” consistently taught these ignorant definitions (and attitudes) to their students, unwittingly undermining their communities. As the newly-indoctrinated replaced the old leaders, these corrupt concepts became established as social norms over time. In almost all societies which adopted Western ideology and the misleading beliefs that Allah’s teachings were for “spiritual” development and the “hereafter”, there developed a stark rift between “religious” beliefs and “normal”, everyday activity. As long as people accepted the “hereafter” as a period way into the distant future, after death, not the immediate future of their communities, then “religious” instructions could have no impact on the legal system of the land. “Religious” denominations who accepted this concept were allowed to flourish, dissenters were eradicated where possible.  “Religion” was then recognized as legally separated from State Affairs, giving the reins of government into the hands of immoral hypocrites who only had to pay lip service to “religious” affiliation.

What does this mean for believers today? It is important for believing souls everywhere to shake off the stupor of misinformation which has crept into their understanding of the true teachings of Allah. Believers everywhere need to examine what results their faith and presence are producing in their immediate communities.  Are their communities a true reflection of their core principles? What attitude towards the commands of Allah is being infused into the minds of their children? Whose teachings are they obeying and preaching? Whose laws are paramount in their community? What’s the impact of their “religion” on their current environment? Muslims also are suffering from the effects of this nefarious plot. Very early in their contact with Islam, these corrupt individuals realized that they could not openly attack the Quran. At some point during their colonization of some Muslim countries they inserted the concept of “spirituality” into the minds of “religious” scholars which helped lull Muslims to sleep and minimize (not eradicate)  the impact of Allah’s teachings within Muslim communities everywhere.   
The Quran (Islam’s Manifesto) has retained its high-level impact on its readers because it addresses not only personal behavior but also calls upon real believers to demonstrate their faith by performing corresponding activity in the community.  Muslims cannot be lulled into inactivity by the enemies of Allah because the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) have emphasized that being Muslim requires the practical implementation of the commands of Allah everywhere one goes, despite how much hatred and resentment non-believers may show towards Muslims.  The eradication efforts of the corruption inducers have not ceased. They have succeeded in imposing corrupt “Muslim” governments on sincere believers in “Muslim” countries and convincing the body of believers that Prayer and non-violence is the mainstay of true Faith. Though loudly proclaiming to be “peace” seekers, they continue to either violently destroy or misrepresent any groups of believers who attempt to create communities which truly reflect their Faith anywhere they find them.  Believers MUST wake up NOW!!!

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