Monday, August 11, 2014


The Quran groups humans into two basic categories: believers and unbelievers in the messages of Allah. It also promises both groups specific outcomes for their behavior and their beliefs.
             We said:”Get ye down all from here:

             And if, as is sure, there comes to you Guidance from Me,

Whosoever follows My guidance, on them shall be no fear,

Nor shall they grieve.

But those who reject Faith and belie Our signs,

They shall be Companions of the Fire;

They shall abide therein.”

(Quran: 2: 38-39)
Defining Faith and Belief
Humans, today, consider Faith and Belief to be “religious” in nature, but the Quran explains that Faith is accepting knowledge of how to live in our earthly environment.  It is the motive force that stems from that knowledge and translates what we actually believe into action. Belief and Faith are irrevocably intertwined and interdependent. Each strengthens the other.
Faith, Belief and Human Existence
The above Quranic verses tell the aftermath of the placement of Adam and Eve, the first humans, on planet Earth. In detailing this incident, the Quran explains that one of the species witnessing the creation of the first humans had become extremely jealous of them. It (Satan) had vowed to ruin Man’s status with Allah and had launched a campaign of deception to achieve this goal. The account details the consequences of their being misled by Satan’s advice in Paradise. Allah had commanded them not to approach a particular tree in the gardens of Paradise, but Satan misled them into thinking that there was no harm in disobeying that instruction. By disobeying the command of Allah and obeying Satan’s advice, they ruined the purity in which Allah had created them. As a result, they were put out of Paradise and settled on planet Earth. Satan was also placed, along with Man, in the Earth environment; still hell-bent on carrying out his destructive plans. However, a repentant Adam was assured that he would be given the correct instructions needed to successfully live in this environment. The instructions that Adam was promised, Revelation, would help him and his descendants to recognize and evade Satanic deceptions while getting the most benefit out of their new environment.  He was also assured that, should these instructions be ignored, the results would be absolutely catastrophic.  Satan’s first salvo had resulted in Man’s removal from the environment of Paradise.  Humans now had to successfully complete their sojourn on Earth to return to their permanent home in Paradise. Therefore, Revelation is essential to Man’s successful existence in this Earth environment, especially because of Satan’s destructive intentions.
Allah promised Adam to provide the guidance Man needed, but it is Man’s responsibility to accept the knowledge Allah sent. Adam was told, in no uncertain terms, that, anyone who did not accept the knowledge Allah sent, would have the same fate promised to Satan: Hellfire. This is logical because refusal to obey the instructions of Allah places a human on the same plane as Satan, and Satan has been promised Hell as a recompense for his actions. Also, refusing knowledge from Allah leaves a human in complete ignorance of how to navigate the Earth environment without causing unwarranted chaos for itself and other creatures that live here.
It is against this backdrop that the terms Faith and Belief are formulated. Faith implies accepting information and utilizing it for constructing Life. Belief, on the other hand, implies accepting the information as indisputable fact and formulating our thoughts and actions to suit its directions. Therefore, believers and unbelievers exist in all human societies. The only deciding factor is the source of the information: Allah or Satan. The society is a product of the information which humans believe.
Effects of Faith and Belief
Far from being solely “religious” terms, Faith and Belief create the current environment in which we live and reflect the actual information we accept.  What we accept as normal and reject as abnormal are by-products of these two forces. They shape our world-view and our attitudes towards ourselves and others. Human societies mirror the practical influence of these two forces.  Contrary to popular opinion, Faith and Belief are not philosophical concepts to the human soul, but the actual tools we use to construct our lifestyles. In other words, our lives are Faith and Belief in action.
Ignorant (Arabic: jahiliyah) societies enforce an illogical philosophy that demands separating our “religious Faith” from the” law of the land” and the behaviors that it encourages. Such a philosophy acknowledges that the “law of the land” is contrary to Allah’s Guidance and is, therefore, a corruption of our “human” character. Unbelievers live in a conflicted mental state in which they pay lip-service to worshiping Allah while implementing the actions of Satan to obtain their physical needs. They also concede that they cannot be “righteous (obedient to Allah)” if they continue living according to the law of the land. They try to separate their Faith from their Belief to achieve a comfortable “religious” outlook that they can live with for the rest of their lives on Earth. Yet, all their lives, they remain susceptible to any philosophies that promises them acceptance by Allah (salvation) without amending their conduct. They, therefore, develop complicated “religious” institutions and icons that salve their emotional conflicts and promise guaranteed acceptance by Allah without actual basis.

The Final Result
However, because rejection of Allah’s Guidance produces a warped view of Life, unbelievers cannot harmonize the needs of daily living with the innate need to worship Allah. Fear of humanity’s acceptance of Allah’s Guidance as the law of the land is an ever-present threat to the leaders of ignorant societies everywhere and they make every effort to stamp it out wherever they find it. When confronted with True Revelation, they resort to violence against believers to remove the perceived “threat” to their way of life. Believers in Allah’s Guidance face a continuing cascade of ridicule and oppressive actions; from being labelled “fanatics and terrorists” to being arrested, persecuted and eventually killed. There will be no end to this conflict as long as Satan and his cohorts continue to strive for domination over the hearts and minds of Allah’s agents (humans) on Earth
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