Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Islam And Kafir Life; No Similarity or Compatibility Whatsoever

Sincere Believers in the Quran, and those of us returning to Islam, must be aware of the fact that Islam and Kufr (Disbelief) are two totally opposite systems of life. These lifestyles are travelling in totally opposite directions and are not designed to be compatible or comfortable with each other.  Islam will always appear to be a threat to the eyes of the Disbelievers and their leaders, no matter how many assurances Muslims may give them. So all the assurances that today’s Muslim “appeasers” are scurrying to present to Western politicians are wasted efforts and will only continue to create confusion in the lives and minds of sincere Believers around the world.  In the Quran, Allah says plainly:
                “In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
                Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with you
                Unless you follow their form of “religion”…(Quran 2:120)
In this same piece of advice, He confirms what is going to happen if we pursue these “social” strategies;
                “…Were you to follow their desires after the knowledge which has reached you,
                Then will you find neither Protector nor Helper against Allah.”

Heedless of this advice, “Muslim leaders” today are trying to make a liar out of Allah. They continue to cosy up to unbelievers and misinterpret the teachings of Allah and His Messenger in the hope that the unbelievers will somehow begin to like us.
The problems of current Kafir societies are products of Disbelief in Allah and disobedience to His instructions. The leaders and maintainers of these societies are knowingly competing with Allah to create their own version of lifestyles for humans. They know what Allah commands but are knowingly defiant. They do not respect or follow their own scriptures; what makes today’s “Muslim leaders” think that they will respect and follow ours?

The signature characteristic of Disbelief (Kufr) is Ignorance; the deep-seated arrogance that makes the unbeliever deaf, dumb and blind! If today’s Muslims would pay attention to the information given to us by Allah in the Quran, we would see the true obstacle that we are really up against. As early as Surah 2, Allah explains to us clearly that the Message is meant only for “those who fear Allah.” (Quran 2: 2). In this same advice, Allah explains to those who will listen:
            “In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
             As to those who Disbelieve, it is the same to them
Whether you warn them or do not warn them;
They will not believe.
Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing
And on their eyes is a veil;
And for them is a great punishment. “
(Quran 2; 6-7)

If Muslims will contemplate the results, we will see that Allah speaks The Truth! Muslim “leaders” and the Muslim population alike should be more concerned with consolidating the Muslim community worldwide and less worried with resolving the problems created by the willful arrogance of Disbelief. Unfortunately, we have absorbed so many ignorant concepts about “religion” that we are currently mirror-images of the disbelievers in our own communities.  Allah and His Messenger have clearly defined for Believers the definition of a Believer. Allah and His Messenger have also warned us that hypocrites will infiltrate the community if we become careless. In Surah 2: 8-10, Allah says:
                “In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
                Among the people there are some who say: ‘We believe
                In Allah and the Last Day’; but they are not Believers.
                They are trying to deceive Allah and the Believers
                But they are deceiving only themselves and do not understand.
In their hearts is a disease and Allah has increased their disease
And for them is a great punishment because they are liars.” 

Muslim communities today are riddled with these characters, many of them in positions of influence and authority. We know them by their actions, but are tolerating their hypocrisy because they call themselves “Muslim”.  Sincere Believers need to rethink our current relationship with the Quran and the Hadith (training by the Prophet). We need to reestablish in our lives the proper educational hierarchy of Islam: 1) The instructions of Allah (the Quran), 2) the Hadith (training by the Prophet), 3)other Islamic instructions.  Islam is a system of life based on the practical Guidance and Instructions of Allah; it is not a bundle of ephemeral, esoteric “beliefs”. Muslims do not “hope” that our actions are correct. Allah Himself assures us as early as Surah 2: 5  
“In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
                They (followers of Quran’s instructions) are on TRUE GUIDANCE from their Lord,
                And they are the Successful.”

We must understand that and have no doubt about what we are doing when we become Muslim.  We do not need the approval or instruction of Unbelievers to follow the teachings of the Quran. Allah has already told us that they will never approve of anyone of us becoming Muslim. Again, very early in the Quran (2: 109), Allah tells us:
                “In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
                Quite a number of the People of the Book wish they could turn you
                Back to Disbelief after you have believed…”
The truth of that statement has never changed! We can see it today in the actions of Christian “charitable” organizations working in Muslim lands. They do not give “charity” to those who do not convert to Christianity. 

 Moreover, many “Muslims”, faced with this situation, accept this illogical philosophy because it is backed by tangible material benefits compared to the material hardships of their native beliefs.  The distasteful truth is that most of today’s “Muslims” are “Muslim” by birthright, not by personal informed consent.  Therefore, they are as ignorant about the foundation and specifics of Islam as are most adherents of other lifestyles (religions). They are taught by Muslim teachers and “educators” about the “religion” of Islam but have no concept of the lifestyle of Islam. When confronted about Islam with the misconceptions of Disbelievers, they either waste valuable energy trying to “defend” corrupted misrepresentations of the Islamic life or submit to ignorance and try to adjust their “practice” of Islam to comply with Kafir recommendations.

Although Islam is the birthright of every human being, the title of “Muslim” must be earned! It is not a family heirloom to be willed to unappreciative descendants.  Allah, in Quran, is quite specific about who is or is not a Believer and to whom the Message is directed:
                “In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
                This is the Book; there is nothing doubtful in it;
It is a guide to God-fearing people…”
(Quran 2: 2)
Allah clearly defines the characteristics of “God-fearing people” and gives the definite assurance (not hope) that such people are the Successful. (Quran 2: 3-5). Without a doubt, He is speaking about living a successful life, both in this life and beyond.  The Quran, Allah states, is the Guidance to accomplish this task. A Muslim, therefore, is a person who consciously accepts this Guidance.  When a Muslim implements these instructions and becomes educated in the system of life Allah teaches, then he becomes a true Believer (Mu’min); he has practical (not just emotional) conviction that this system of life is truly beneficial.  This is what is sadly lacking in what passes for “Muslim communities” throughout the world today. As long as Muslims continue to teach and embrace the misconception that Islam is a “religion”, not a practical everyday life system, then we will continue to attract unflattering, derogatory criticism and attacks from Kafir systems everywhere. Islam does not fit the preconceived notions of official “religion” and never will. Therein lies the conflict and uneasiness about it.

 Yet, despite all efforts to demonize Islam and Muslims, a steady tide of new people are returning to Islam and abandoning disbelieving systems of life all over the earth. This development is driving Kafir leaders nuts. They cannot understand the lure of Islam and the Quran. Before their very eyes, they see previously unruly, hopeless people transform into openly God-fearing people, demanding to be allowed to faithfully follow the commands of the Creator; refusing to participate in ignorant, useless materialism.

By the Grace of Allah, these people have willingly consented to accept the structured life of Islam under the Guidance of Allah and abandon the empty lifestyle of Ignorance (Kufr).  Unlike Kufr, Islam offers a clear roadmap for mending the human soul and uniting it with its True Lord and the rest of the Creation. Understanding the teachings of Allah in Quran removes the restless doubt that comes from ignorance about the true values of Life. It produces a peace of mind that cannot be found anywhere else.  To every sincere Believer, Allah gives this assurance:
                “In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
                Allah is the Protector of those who have faith:
                From the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light.
                Of those who disbelieve, their Teachers are the Evil Ones:
                From light, they will lead them into the depths of darkness.
                They will be companions of The Fire, to dwell therein forever.”
                (Quran 2: 257)

The task confronting sincere Muslims today is a simple one: educate yourself in the teachings of the Quran! That is the source of our understanding of Life. Read the Quran for understanding. Read the Quran for understanding and knowledge of what it teaches. Follow the instructions of the Quran, regardless of what contemporary Muslim educators teach. We are commanded by Allah and His Messenger to become the best of humanity. You don’t have to be an “official” scholar to understand the words of Allah.  Understand that the written book you know as the Quran contains the transcript of a 23-year long speech by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Ordinary people who heard it were able to understand it then. It has not changed.  Anybody who hears it now and wants to obey Allah has the assurance of Allah that Allah will guide them. 

 The roadmap of the establishment of Islam lies in the historical process followed by the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him). We do not have to resort to ignorant, destructive actions to create true Muslim communities nor do we need to become embroiled in the social controversies of the Kafir community.  In Surah 3: 56, Allah forewarns Muslims: “As to those who Disbelieve, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.” The avalanches of conflicts we see today are the products of their own disbelief and disobedience to the instructions of Allah.  We need not concern ourselves with their problems. Instead, we must follow the instructions given to us and implement the lifestyle that we say we believe in as Muslims. It is time that we heed the call of Allah and His Messenger with intelligence and sincerity:
                “In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
                O you who believe: enter into Islam wholeheartedly
 And follow not the footsteps of the Evil One;
For he is to you an avowed enemy.”
(Quran 2: 208)

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