Monday, January 19, 2015

Open letter to Muslim Apologetics

I cannot stay silent anymore about an issue that is threatening Muslim existence everywhere, and especially here in Western countries. I am talking about the highly visible crop of contemporary Muslim apologetics who materialize every time an incidence of “Islamic terrorism” occurs.
These apologists do not realize that their readiness to “apologize” for “Muslim terrorism” is never going to appease those who despise and hate Muslims. The only effect that their ready condemnation of “Muslim terrorists” has on the ignorant non-Muslim world is the entrenchment of the widespread anti-Islam propaganda that “Muslims are evil people” and “All Muslims are potential terrorists”.  They are effectively the most efficient distributors of anti-Islam propaganda in the World!

This contemporary misrepresentation of Muslims and Islam was the brainchild of the recent Bush Administration, instigated by the highly suspicious “911” incidents. Under the guise of seeking “retribution” for the murder of innocent people, this administration was finally able to make significant political headway in recolonizing Arab nations and illegally destroying sovereign Arab countries with the help of other Western nations.  Although this blatant onslaught on Islam and Muslims is still continuing today, may I remind you that this case has never been resolved?  Detailed examinations of the flimsy “evidence” presented to substantiate these horrible ongoing murders of millions of Muslim men, women and children over the past 14 years indicate a botched internal plot instead of an external “terrorist” attack. Presently thousands of Palestinians are being killed and dispossessed in Palestine before the very eyes of the entire world. Why don’t these Muslim apologetics speak out against this?

Because it is so easy to impersonate a Muslim by donning Arab style clothes here in the West, anyone with a grudge can pin any crime on “Muslim terrorists” simply by donning a costume. When idiots like these apologetics rush to speak on behalf of Muslims without a complete resolution of the facts of the matter, they make fact what is usually a speculation.  Someone once said that a cat born in an oven is not a loaf of bread.  It may do these apologetics well to remember that. Islam needs no apology; neither does it need apologetics for actions for which it is not responsible.  Muslims are being wronged all over the world today and no one is apologizing to us, as blatant as these wrongs are.  Only when the perpetrators of these crimes apologize should we even contemplate a reply.  Allah has spoken about the attitude of apologetics in Surah Bakarah, warning that they only cause mischief when they think they are making peace between Muslims and others.  Please be aware that that is what you are currently doing to your brothers and sisters everywhere in the West.  Please stop it immediately!

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