Monday, January 19, 2015

Are We TRULY Made in the Image of God?

 In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:
"Say: He is Allah,
The One and Only;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begets not,
Nor is He begotten;
And there is none like unto Him."
(Quran 112)

I recently had a conversation with some co-workers in which we explored the relationship between Humans and our Creator. In the course of the discussion, the old fictitious myth that Man was created in the “image” of God was introduced as the basis for a series of unfounded arguments believed by zealous but ignorant people.  This myth is reinforced by Biblical teachings [Genesis 26 – 27] in which God is reported to have made Man in His own image and likeness. The confusion created by this teaching is further reinforced by the common understanding of these terms:” a physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made visible (”. Likeness = “the fact or quality of being alike; resemblance (”. It is no wonder therefore that zealous Christians have been led to accept statuary and other depictions of God as a Man possessing extraordinary powers. It is also no wonder that this deliberate fabrication has been used to establish the idea that Jesus (peace be upon him) could be God’s “begotten” son.

Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) has been credited with the writing of the book of Genesis by some Christians while others claim as many as 10 different authors, including Adam and Noah. As with much of Christian literature, this is nothing but conjecture. The multitude of reinterpretations of the Christian Bible refuses to acknowledge the fact that this book is a political fabrication that owes its creation to Emperor Constantine and did not exist in the lifetime of Jesus (pbuh), whom it claims to glorify. Not only is it a fabrication, but it is constantly being reinterpreted to suit the contemporary political norms and fads of each society it encounters.  Therefore, whatever its current believers understand can realistically be viewed as temporary beliefs. Who originated the myth that Man was created in the “likeness and image” of God may never be known, but common logic can defeat this untenable concept when closely examined with an open mind.

If we use the commonly-understood meanings of the above terms, then every human being encountered on the entire planet looks just like God: in color, ethnicity, height and size. There is absolutely no visible difference between them. Even a blind man knows how ridiculous this idea is.  The insurmountable problem with this idea is that no human being could exist according to Exodus 33:20 (“no man may see me and yet live”); John1:18 (“no man has seen God at any time”), 1 John  4:12  (“at no time has anyone beheld God”). These statements from the Bible are as contradictory as one can find anywhere. This leads to the realization that someone is lying here, the question is who? Unfortunately, the average Christian cannot face the realization that he/she is being duped and shuts down the mental faculties when confronted with this contradiction. Something’s wrong with a philosophy that claims, on one hand, to be “the word of God” yet contradicts itself on the other hand.

Christian Bible students usually approach their biblical studies with the preconceived notion that the contents of the book are true. Despite the wealth of information from Christian historical sources that contradict this preconceived notion, many seek merely to justify their beliefs than to verify their views. Zeal is no substitute for wisdom. Serious students of the Bible need to examine the stories told there for veracity and common sense and they need to be aware that myriads of myths abounded in Jewish society from which these stories came. The First Testament section of the Bible consists mainly of pro-Jewish stories. The New Testament section consists of Jewish and non-Jewish stories about the social turmoil created in the Roman dominated society by the work of Jesus (pbuh). It also reports the response he received from both Jewish and Roman officials. Not all reports were written by eyewitnesses and many doubtful events have been chronicled and included in the book. Students need to be mindful that these writings originate from a time predating universal education, when only select people could read and write, and they have undergone many corruptions in translation, especially into English (see foreword of any English translation). Sufficient documentation exists to enlighten any serious researcher into biblical history as to the dubiousness of all the content of the Bible. There is no reason for Christians to remain zealous and ignorant about their beliefs today.

The fact that humans do not control all the processes of reproduction is proof enough of our creation. Some invisible hand controls aspects of which we have no notion or experience. To acknowledge that being as Allah, the Creator, is not nonsensical or far- fetched. But to insinuate that we are the “image and likeness” of our Creator is ridiculous indeed. To create an image of anything, there has to be a visible reference or mental concept.  Humans are simply one of a myriad of species created on planet Earth by a yet unseen Creator, attested to, throughout history, by a multitude of human messengers endowed with qualifying abilities. The only verifiable pronouncement we can make on the topic of human creation is that we, as are all other creatures throughout the universes, are creations of Allah.

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