Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Religious Dogma vs The Quran

Criteria for Informed Action

There is no other realm of learning in which information is subjected to as much abuse as “religion”. For whatever reasons, students of “religious” doctrine are expected to unquestionably accept “religious dogma” which violates every standard of wisdom and reason. There is nothing which is left unaffected by this trend. Despite everyone’s free access to the “sacred” textbooks of their respective “religions”, many believers suspend their own understanding of what they read in the texts and accept the interpretations of their clergy, even when these interpretations contradict the “scriptures” before their very eyes. The interpretations of the clergy are substituted for the true meaning of the “scriptures”.  We are thus conditioned to distrust and dispute our own understanding of the “scriptures”.

This is not a rare condition. Most of us are taught (and accept) quite spurious information when it comes to the field of “religion”. Here wisdom and reason do not apply. Most of us are taught (and believe) that the “scriptures” relate to our “spiritual” development as humans; therefore we do not look to our “religious” doctrines for practical guidance in our everyday lives. We develop our societies without the practical guidance of our “religious” teachings and fit our “religious” behavior into the “legal” confines afforded us. In our practical, day to day existence, our “religious” teachings become secondary information.  Correspondingly, we exist in a schismatic mental state concerning “religion” throughout our lives.

This writer has no idea when or where the idea of “scripture” being “spiritual” originated. Every “religious” text ever studied was presented as practical guidance for daily life, as additional information to the knowledge humans already possessed. In all cases, “scripture” presents itself as a correction of the information that individual human lives and societies are built upon. However, because its high standards often contradict accepted social norms, “scriptural” dictates are relegated by human society to the sideline of “religious” doctrine. This is tolerable, since “religion” has been redefined in contemporary society to be nothing more than a “collection of personal, spiritual beliefs”. We can “practice” our “religions” so long as we do not disturb the social order by so doing.

The Quran upsets the whole applecart because it demands its followers build their daily lives according to its declared principles and instructions.  Allah’s Book does not tolerate being sidelined, labelled or given a back-seat. It makes its message super clear to all readers. The message is practical and multi-faceted. It is not a “spiritual” treatise, nor will it allow anyone to treat it as such. It handles physical and metaphysical issues with equal poise and balance.  It demands that those who believe in it should read and understand its message and practice it daily, despite the sentiments of the unbelieving society. The Quran constantly appeals to “men of understanding” to ponder over the signs of Allah that surround them. It unceasingly appeals to the wisdom of the individual believer, not emotional zeal, to sustain Faith and follow the commands of Allah. It creates in a believer an educational relationship between the Creator of Everything and His devotee, culminating in the awareness of and surrender to the opinions of Allah about human life and actions. It refuses to be pigeonholed as a “spiritual” treatise and clearly beckons to all users as a beacon and criteria for informed, practical action in a misinformed world. It stands out as an inflexible, indisputable standard in a world full of dubious standards. Because of its incessant challenges to the wisdom of its readers, the Quran will never be clumped with other “religious” dogma which litter the path of humanity and distract humans from their ultimate destiny. It cannot.

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