Life is a series of unforeseen events with which we all must
contend when they happen to us. According to a well-known saying, “the best
laid plans of mice and men do sometimes go astray”. We all encounter these moments. We even have
a name for them: “Murphy’s Law”. Although we know that these moments will occur
throughout our lives, many of us react to them as if they shouldn’t happen to
us. We have coined terms for these events which imply that we view them as
unnatural phenomena. We speak of people having “good or bad luck” or “good or
bad fortune”, thereby relegating the process of Life to the whims and fancies
of irrational Chance.
The Muslim mind knows differently. By the Mercy of Allah,
through His Quran, Muslims have been taught that Allah controls everything that
happens in our lives. The concepts of “chance”, “luck” and “fortune” are
frowned upon as fruits of ignorance. Every Muslim knows that nothing happens in
the Creation without the knowledge and design of Allah, The Creator and Master
of All things. In the Muslim mindset, there are no accidents or misfortunes;
only tests from Allah for which consequences and rewards are predetermined.
The Quran informs every believer that human life is
constructed in this fashion. It also informs us of the correct response and
attitude to adopt when we each face these events in our personal lives.
“In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:
Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger,
Some loss in goods or lives or the fruits of your toil.
But give Glad tidings to those who patiently persevere –
Who say, when afflicted with calamity: ‘ To Allah we belong,
And to Him is our return’ – they are those on whom descend
From their Lord and Mercy; and they are the ones that
receive guidance.”
(Quran 2: 156 – 157).
It is only ignorant folk who misunderstand the relationship
between Man, his Lord and his Life. In their view, God (Allah) is some sort of
glorified servant who must give them whatever they need when they request it.
He must protect them from the unwanted events of Life or face their indignation
and wrath. If He does not perform as
they wish, they “punish” Him with disbelief and disobedience to His commands.
They reserve for themselves the right to question, modify and reject any of His
instructions that go contrary to their desires. In their misguided view, they
consider themselves essential to His existence and not the other way around.
That explains why “atheists” take pride in their professed denial of His
existence. They demand that He “proves” His existence to them before they will
acknowledge Him.
The Islamic attitude to life leaves no place for such
arrogance and stupidity. By acknowledging that Allah is the Only Creator of all
things (God), Muslims recognize who is the Master. We understand that we are
dependent on Him, this universal environment belongs to Him and He has the
authority to tell us how to behave in it. Every conscious Muslim understands
that his personal life is a daily event presented to him for his development by
His Lord and not a product of Chance. We understand that it is unacceptable to
disobey Allah’s instructions in any form and that no good can come to us from
such action. That is the reason that we hold His Messages to all mankind in
such high regard, especially His final message, the Quran. It is also the
reason that we hold the prophets as behavioral exemplars, especially Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him). We know that “from Allah we came and to Him is
our return” and that is enough for us. Whatever calamities or joys befall us
each day, we accept it and persevere because Allah has already informed us to
expect it. Allah and His Prophet spoke the Truth.
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