Saturday, November 29, 2014

Is Revelation "Spiritualism"?

Are these Instructions Spiritual?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:
"Verily the Day of Sorting Out is a thing appointed-
The day that the Trumpet shall be sounded, 
And ye shall come forth in crowds;
And the heavens shall be opened
As if there were doors,
And the mountains shall vanish as if they were a mirage.
Truly Hell is as a place of ambush;
For the transgressors a place of destination."
(Quran 78: 17 - 22)

The more I study the teachings of the Quran, the more convinced I become that the Message is not about “spiritual” truths but metaphysical truths. People have, for years, related to Allah’s Messages as other-worldly teachings and explanations of a “supernatural” nature. Therefore, “clerics” and their benefactors have been able to dupe “believers” into thinking of Allah’s teachings as “spiritual” matters, outside of human normalcy.  However, nowhere in His messages does Allah refer to any of His information as being “spiritual”In the pages of the Quran, Allah promises physical rewards and punishments to humans.  He describes events that will either physically please believers or physically harm wrongdoers. He also describes Paradise and Hell as physical environments.

Spiritualism conjures up wispy, other-worldly, mental concepts and impressions from the information given to us by Allah. It detracts from the practicality which the instructions convey and allows us to not take Allahs commands as seriously as we should. The idea that the messages of Allah deal with “spiritual” matters tends to make them seem less practical as the rich, informative sources about Life and human society which they really are. Spiritualism creates a dichotomy in the human mind that retards the growth of Faith and undermines our Beliefs. It negates the passion with which the prophets taught the message to society in times past. If we recall the persecution which the messengers received because of these messages, then we should be suspicious of the loving embrace given by contemporary society to clerics and “holy men”. Truth and Falsehood cannot coexist in the same space without conflict, but relegating Allah’s instructions to the realm of “spiritualism” neutralizes the impact on Human Laws.

Metaphysics, on the other hand, gives information about things unknown about our physical environment, without diminishing their impact. We can acknowledge such information because it provides explanations for events and things which we observe but do not understand.  Things metaphysical abound in the Earth environment, especially in our own selves.  We can observe our physical bodies and be conscious of things metaphysical about them. What is the power that makes our limbs operate? What are we? Why do we struggle to live only to die at some stage? Why do we not have control over our length of life? What happens when we die? These are all metaphysical questions that only our Creator can definitively answer.  Our science cannot fathom these things nor provide any realistic answers to these and other questions. It is only through Allah’s messages to humanity that any remotely satisfactory insights can be had. To negate this vital information by assigning it to the realm of “spiritualism” is nothing short of folly and arrogance. Allah’s instructions are very clear, effective and practical, as can be seen from the visible character and behavioral changes that take place in those who apply them.

Treating the knowledge of Hell and Paradise as “spiritual” concepts has been disastrous for the development of human society. Without conceiving of Hell as a real place of real, physical torment, as explained to us by Allah, wrongdoers more easily dismiss the reality of the Day of Judgment. Treating this crucial, upcoming event as a “spiritual” idea, materialists can comfortably reject this horrendous warning as inconsequential conjecture. Humans fear that which they conceive as threatening their physical wellbeing so couching Allah’s information in “spiritual”, ephemeral terms negates the reality of the upcoming threats about which He warns.  Paradise also becomes an ephemeral, “pie in the sky” concept, minimizing the need for conscious striving to attain it. Today’s clerics refer to Revelation in futuristic terms, creating the impression that Allah will address humanity’s shortcomings only after death.  Meanwhile, people bogged down by the stress of day-to-day life conveniently ignore Revelation as a relevant source of practical information. Death is accepted as a relief from this rough and tumble world and an end to all its disharmony and strife. It is not viewed as a doorway into the new environment which Allah tells us about in His messages. 

 Without treating the information given us in the Messages of Allah as metaphysical teaching, humans disregard the lives of species which we cannot see or hear in our environment.  We commit crimes every day and do wrong in the face of Allah without considering the consequences in this life and the life to come. We relegate Allah’s definitive information to the realm of the supernatural and ephemeral but raise human conjecture to the realm of practical knowledge. We stumble along desperately searching for knowledge, grasping at straw mirages but arrogantly overlooking the Revelations of Allah, Graciously given for human guidance in an unfamiliar world environment.  When will we come to our senses and accept the Revelations of Allah?

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Need For Revelation In Human Life Today

anti-capitalism sign
How Much Longer Will We Reject Allah's Program?

 In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:
"We sent not a Messenger, but to be obeyed, 
In accordance with the Will of Allah.."
(Quran 4: 64)

Humans require information to build and format their lives in the Earth environment. Without information we cannot function appropriately. Throughout the written history of mankind, we see that it is the knowledgeable people who attain leadership and prestige in society. Even in the era of the hunter-gatherer, it was the more proficient hunter-gatherers to whom everyone turned to ensure the survival of the community. In the current era, the management of communities and countries is trusted to politicians and not to “average” citizens who are uninformed about “political” affairs. School systems are an integral part of every “civilized” society in the world and no progressive civilization would dare think of ignoring them. Yet human society has ignored the most necessary information for its survival.

Modern society is obsessed with earthbound, material development and pays minimal attention to metaphysical development; a necessary component for balanced human development. What passes for “education”, particularly in Western countries, is a concentrated philosophy of purely material acquisition, to the detriment of the human soul. It totally ignores the existence of Revelation, Allah’s gift of true knowledge to Humanity. Its focus is entirely materialistic with no acknowledgement given to the purpose of human life or to any responsibility to our Creator.  No thought is given to the information presented to humanity by the prophets of Allah throughout the ages. The wisdom of Revelation has been completely cast aside in this “educational” system. The products of this type of “education” are arrogant people who equate social “progress” with only material development. They have a perverted view of other people and of themselves. While appearing to be “sophisticated”, they mistakenly weigh human value in terms of material possessions, not personal characteristics, thereby perpetuating the hostility of today’s social environment.

Attempts to replace Allah’s commands with Man-made laws have miserably failed throughout all recorded human history. Unceasing hostilities within and between countries are directly related to the abandonment of the wisdom and justice expounded in the Revelations of Allah. The blind obstinacy with which humanity continues to cling to its failed philosophies and reject the implementation of Revelation is reflected in the continuing world-wide collapse and destruction of countries and social structures. Human society everywhere is becoming increasingly more hostile and the cries for peace are growing louder every day. Without acknowledgment of Allah’s laws by human society, the unbounded oppression of the poor will not cease. Until humans decide to collectively accept and implement the laws given by Allah in His program for human life on Earth, there will be no solution to the ongoing crises.

While there is no objection to material wealth, its blind acquisition has led to environmental crises in all countries around the world. Given the inter-connectivity of Earth’s resources and its life-forms, imbalances in any one area affect all areas in one form or another. World-wide climactic disturbances have been traced to ignorant material development in many parts of the world. Materialists will not acknowledge the destruction that their activities are causing to Earth’s environment because it means putting limits on their quests for and methods of acquisition of Earth’s resources. Their activities have already polluted the air we need to breathe, the soil we need to produce food and the water we need to drink to sustain life.  Yet they continue to blindly pollute our rivers and the very oceans that sustain our world in the never-ending quest for material development. It is time for humanity to take heed of the Revelations of Allah or perish by its own hands.