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God's Teachings |
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
“O you that believe! Fear Allah and believe in
His Messenger,
And He will bestow on you a double portion of
His Mercy;
He will provide for you a Light by which ye
shall walk
(Straight in your path), and He will forgive
you (your past);
For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
(Quran 57: 28)
There is a dichotomy in the minds of many believing souls, of
which they may not be aware. It is the misunderstanding that “believing in God” is the same as “believing” God. This may come as a shock to many believers, but
these two concepts refer to vastly different
stages of faith.
Believing in God is the first step, the
awakening in the soul that leads you
towards a God-conscious life. It is an introductory phase in your search for truth and real knowledge. This
comes about as a realization that there has to be more
to life on earth than just careless
play and amusement. There is an insatiable hunger within for tangible knowledge
of your reality of being, your purpose of life, your humanity. It is the point
when you realize that the “knowledge” that has been foisted
upon you, so far, is nothing but a lot of speculative junk, devoid of true
substance; disconnected from the universal scheme of
things. This “knowledge” leaves you ignorant of your reality; who you are and what
is your purpose of life. It leaves you earthbound, trapped
in the harsh struggle for material subsistence with no concept of a higher purpose or exit strategy.
It holds out no promise of a “future”; you live; you die; finito!
You become another lump of dirt.
Your whole existence,
according to this “knowledge”, is merely a product of chance. Somehow you simply
arrived in this time, on this planet, for no other reason than to claw and
struggle to the top of the food chain. And after you arrive,
then what? Indulge in distractions for your own amusement and self-gratification until
your body can no longer sustain itself and dies; another useless, ungrateful airsucker who lived and died without ever knowing
why it existed in the first place. During your lifetime, you may
even dabble in “religion”, but on your terms. If the “religious dogma” does
not conform to your desires, or attempts to censor your activities, then you openly
ignore it. You may even profess “belief in God”
but, by your actions, demonstrate that you do not “believe
God”. You reinterpret or ignore every
command you dislike that emanates from your scriptures and act immorally to
achieve your goals, despite the tenets of your scriptures.
You justify your actions with the observation that “everyone else does it.”
You live your life according to the trend of the majority of society and try to
fit in, despite the still small voice within you crying out for answers to
Believing God is the phase where you live according to the tenets of your scriptures.
It is the stage in life where you have come to the
realization that revelation is not for comparison with your opinions but for direction of your life and actions. The
scripture becomes your educational source. You are no longer in competition
with your Creator. You are now in submission to Him and allow yourself to be taught by Him. You are willing
to discard the speculative, error-prone, earth-bound education you had been
previously given and the haphazard actions stemming from it. You no longer mentally
subject God to your will; you subject yourself to His Will and hold yourself accountable to Him for
your actions and intentions in life. You embrace the purpose and guidance
He gave you through His message and His prophets. You
reject what He condemns and you practice what He recommends. You
remake yourself gradually into the creature
that He tells you, through His message, that you were created to be. You believe in the promises He makes to you in
His message. You become a “fan”, a believer in the message of
your Creator, and dedicate your life to pleasing Him. This does not imply that
you recluse yourself from other human beings. On the contrary, it inspires you
to reach out to other humans and encourage them to adopt the message of the
Believing God is a gradual process.
It does not happen immediately that you start “believing in God”. It is
an educational process that culminates in an unshakeable Faith in the veracity of the teachings of the
prophets of God. Like any other educational process, you have to develop faith
that the information you are receiving comes from a credible
source and is reliably accurate. It requires you to study and
ponder over the information you receive and apply its
recommendations in your daily life. It also requires you to develop the recommended mindset to fully absorb the implications of the teachings you
receive. A closed mind is no friend to an open book;
you have to be willing to discard previously-accepted views and inclinations that are inconsistent with
the new knowledge. Faith, like most human characteristics, is
developed step-by-step. As you replace erroneous knowledge with
scriptural knowledge, it becomes increasingly harder for you to indulge in old,
harmful behaviors and your life and character changes. You will begin to evaluate your old indulgences by new scriptural values and, over time, shed the incompatible ones. Scriptural
knowledge clearly defines the features and characteristics that a human being
needs to develop to claim its humanity and the rewards of cultivating them in
this life and the upcoming future that God promises us.
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